NEU: „Ausgezeichnete Bierkultur“

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zu den ausgezeichneten Wirtshäusern


zu den ausgezeichneten Gastwirten

All you need to know about classification

If you live and breathe Bavarian cuisine, you should be rewarded for it. With the classification „Highly Commended Bavarian Cuisine“ we’re placing the spotlight on regional cuisine. Each area of Bavaria has its own typical ingredients, dishes and preparation techniques. These dominate the image of the region and are as important for making locals feel at home as they are to interested tourists. The aim of the „Highly Commended Bavarian Cuisine“ scheme is to utilise these strengths in a targeted way and enable people to experience the wealth of regional cuisine.

Guests are also becoming more demanding in terms of their requirements and wishes. They want a clear overview based on reliable criteria to help them choose the business that offers the best food and atmosphere.

More about our evaluation criteria

As a proprietor, you can use the opportunity afforded by the „Highly Commended Bavarian Cuisine“ seal to showcase your business in a clear and positive way. Your involvement also means that the new quality seal will become a symbol for a high-quality authentic food culture that is typical of the region.

Prerequisites for participation
The classification is aimed at gastronomes throughout Bavaria who promote and want to develop Bavarian pub and food culture and who place importance on culinary tradition. Classification is voluntary. Each business decides whether or not it wants to take part in the process and can withdraw at any time. The transparency of the criteria means that each business will be able to ascertain how it is likely it is to be classified in a particular category.
Who carries out the classification?
In order to guarantee complete neutrality, DEHOGA Bayern e.V. and the Bavarian State Ministry for Food, Agriculture and Forestry have commissioned Bayern Tourist GmbH (BTG) to act as the classification company for the Highly Commended Bavarian Cuisine seal. The BTG already manages the German hotel and G-classification scheme for Bavaria, as well as the Bayerische Wirtebrief and ServiceQualität Deutschland certification in Bavaria. Additional information about the BTG can be obtained from
What does it cost?
Costs for three years of valid classification are €468.00 for members of DEHOGA Bayern, €585.00 for non-members of DEHOGA Bayern plus the legally applicable VAT
How is compliance with conditions monitored?
DEHOGA Bayern and the Bavarian State Ministry for Food, Agriculture and Forestry work together to specify the evaluation criteria and conditions under which classification is granted and also monitor the scheme in their role as classification awarder. All businesses that wish to be classified and have registered will be inspected at their premises.
Registration for classification

Registration for classification

Interested in rhombuses? Join now And show us and especially your guests The strengths of your Bavarian cuisine.

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How it works:

1. The evaluation sheet

As a gastronome, you complete an evaluation form where you assess and grade yourself. This form will be checked and evaluated by the BTG.

2. Classification Committee

A classification committee will visit you unannounced within a specified period of six weeks to inspect your business.

3. Classification

Grading for classification purposes is carried out in 3 categories, is valid for 3 years and must be repeated at regular intervals.

The participant will receive a classification certificate and a representative sign for outdoor installation. Both will be handed over in a representative setting to the successful businesses by Bavarian Minister of State for Food, Agriculture and Forestry, Helmut Brunner, and the President of DEHOGA Bavaria, Angela Inselkammer
The participant's business will be published online where they will have the chance to present their own profile.

What is evaluated?

Classification is based on four categories:


incl. product origin, food and drink offer, sensory aspects


incl. service, menu design


incl. guest rooms, overall appearance


incl. kitchens and storage rooms, sanitary facilities

Each category has a number of different criteria and maximum points to be reached. This results in the following weighting:


The more diamonds a business is awarded, the more comprehensively it fulfils or the better it meets the criteria. It must not score below the minimum points levels in the individual categories and also must not score below the total minimum points score. There are also exclusion criteria, such as not using regional products.

One diamond

  • Minimum number of points: 228
  • Highly commended Bavarian cuisine

Two diamonds

  • Minimum number of points: 260
  • Highly commended Bavarian cuisine of a particularly high standard

Three dimaonds

  • Minimum number of points: 293
  • Highly commended Bavarian cuisine at its very best

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